Greeting and Welcome to

 KfecMinistries Website

 Stanley Harris, Kingdom Overseer


Kingdom First Equipping Center Ministries

Seek first, aim at, strive after, pursue, chase after

His kingdom and His righteousness, His way of doing and being right the

attitude and character of God and all these things will be 

given unto you all . Matt. 6:33

Not a religion, not denomination

Not a building with the word church on it, but a Ministry

God's original intent has always been to influence the Earth with the Culture of Heaven

This Ministry assignment and mission is to reintroduce the

Kingdom of God the Kingdom of Heaven on another dimension in the heart of man. 


First to the Church

then to the Community and then to the World


CJBV Matt. 16:18
Kfec is a Ministry with Integration instead of excuse the
Kingdom of God is God's Government

it's a powerful network for a strong Community

I also tell you this: you are Kefa (Peter) which means Rock,

and on this rock, (this truth, revelation) that thou art Christ

the Son of the living God. I will build my community, 

and the gates of Sh'ol will not overcome it.

 Stronger together because people need community

Therefore, translating the invisible Kingdom of God on earth into reality,

which gives the citizen  who is the believers the ability to see the

Kingdom of Heaven, God's Goverment within their current circumstances


             Ministry Object

    1. To reintroduce the Kingdom message that Jesus (Yeshua) came to restore

back into the hearts of man this message He taught and preached

for 3 1/2 years has been lost and igonored for over 1800 years

2. I want to help humanity, you, me, us to not only know but to understand

   God original intent why the kingdom message must be taught to all humanity


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