The Church is build on a Cricket foundation, called Religion


                                                                    Religion has build the Church on a

                                                                                     Cricket Foundation
                                                                                                     The Constitution of the Law of God, 

                                                                                                   that's the Bible 1 Cor. 3:10,11 tell us,

  For no man can lay a foundation other  than the one which is laid, Jesus Christ according to the

           grace of God which was given to me,  like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and     

another is build on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it. 

          For other foundation can no  is laid which is Jesus Christ

           Did you know that Christian is a                                man made religion

          History says and teaches that it was basically                                   instituted by the Catholic Church,

       known as the Roman Catholic Church with 1.25                           billion members and one of the largest

    christian churches and the other 4 largest would be                Islam with approximately 1,226,000,000                         members Hinduism has 900 million members

                Buddhism has an estimated 488 million

                                                to 535 million

          Forms of Folk Religion 429,640,000 wow !!!

                        Let me give you a snap shot of what the church looks like today

                                                   because of the Cricket foundation called Christianity and denominationalism

                                   I know this is hard but this is real.  In Italy there is a building called the Leaning Tower of Pisa,

                                                     Now this building stands about 179 feet high and 50 feet wide and it is tilted.

                                                        Now you can't fix it from the 5th floor nor the 4th floor, 3rd floor, 2 sec floor,

                                            or the first floor, if you're going to straighten the building you will have to tear it down

                                and tear out the old foundation and rebuild the foundation a new foundation in order to straighte

                                                          the building ... and the new foundation should I say the foundation of

                                                                                              God has nothing to do with religion, 

                                                        because there is nothing religious about God. So what is the foundation

                                                                                                      that we should be building on,

                                                 I'm glad you ask ... God's original intent, God's original plan, God's original purpose

                                                         His Priority, if we are going to understand God's Priory we have to start by

                                  understanding the mentality of a Kingdom concept because this was and is God's original plan ,

                             intent and purpose to extend His Kingdom to this country called planted earth that was and is God's

                                                                     Priority, all about his Kingdom  Now the word priority means:

                                                                           a thing that is regarded as more important than another.

                                                      That is why in this ministry I'm lead to start a class called Kingdom Detox

                                                                                          this class is designed to detox the citizen of the

                                                                   Kingdom of God the Kingdom of Heaven from any and all religion

                                                                                 toxic and religious substance or concepts and believeth,

                                               teaching you church and religious history, and to teach you about God's original

                                                    intent, plan, and purpose, the concept of a kingdom and kingdom principles,

                                                                 and how to enter in the Kingdom of God the Kingdom of Heaven,

                                                                                                    kingdom living and so much more. 






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